Welcome! I am a software engineer who loves all things software, games and computer graphics!
A collection of projects that I have worked on from college to now.
WebGL Physically-based Renderer
3D Computer Graphics Project
Augmented Reality Video Game
Web Application

WebGL Physically-based Renderer
3D Computer Graphics Project
August 2015 - February 2019
A 3D model physically-based renderer with adjustable material parameters for color, roughness, and metalness. Live site Source code
- Features fully physically-based shading based on microfacet theory.
- Also features specular image-based lighting and diffuse irradiance.
- Implemented a 3D matrix math library, OBJ 3D model reader, a mini-material system, and normal mapping.
- 3D Computer Graphics
- JavaScript
- WebGL
- OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
Virtual Reality Video Game
Blade Quest
3D Computer Graphics Project / Video Game
The Little Hen and the Little Rooster
3D Real-time Animation

WebGL Physically-based Renderer
3D Computer Graphics Project
August 2015 - February 2019
A 3D model physically-based renderer with adjustable material parameters for color, roughness, and metalness. Live site Source code
- Features fully physically-based shading based on microfacet theory.
- Also features specular image-based lighting and diffuse irradiance.
- Implemented a 3D matrix math library, OBJ 3D model reader, a mini-material system, and normal mapping.
- 3D Computer Graphics
- JavaScript
- WebGL
- OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
Hackathon Web Application
CCLEDocs Update
SSC Project
Other Fish in the Sea
3D Graphics Project

WebGL Physically-based Renderer
3D Computer Graphics Project
August 2015 - February 2019
A 3D model physically-based renderer with adjustable material parameters for color, roughness, and metalness. Live site Source code
- Features fully physically-based shading based on microfacet theory.
- Also features specular image-based lighting and diffuse irradiance.
- Implemented a 3D matrix math library, OBJ 3D model reader, a mini-material system, and normal mapping.
- 3D Computer Graphics
- JavaScript
- WebGL
- OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
Other Projects
Portfolio Website
Web Page
August 2015 - Present
My portfolio site, which is a project in and of itself. The portfolio lets me experiment not just in this website's development, but also its design. Live site Source code
- Latest iteration uses Gatsby and React.js, since I wanted to learn how to use React.js.
- JavaScript
- React.js
- WebGL
- Three.js
Work Experience

Associate Software Engineer
Blind Squirrel Entertainment, Inc.
April 2017 - Jan 2019
I worked as an associate software engineer, doing all kinds of gameplay, engine, and graphics programming.
- Video Game - "Star Wars: Jedi Challenges" (C#, Unity 3D, AR/VR, iOS/Android) - Worked closely with game designers to flesh out and implement core gameplay mechanics. Worked with artists to implement various graphical effects through graphics and shader work (e.g. maintaining “hologram” effect shader, particle effects, UI elements). Optimized the game for high performance on mobile devices (e.g. implementing use of GPU instancing).
- Video Game - "Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition" (Remaster) (C/C++, Unreal Engine 3, PS4/Xbox One/PC, DXGI, D3D11, HLSL) - Worked with artists to improve and resolve various miscellaneous graphical effects and issues through graphics engineering and shader work (e.g. tweaking shadow rendering, fixing depth-of-field effect issues). Implemented miscellaneous features and fixes (e.g. changing game systems from using a fixed FOV to a variable FOV, fixing fullscreen/windowed mode/resolution issues on PC via DXGI API, fixing VOIP issues).
- Video Game - Unreleased AAA First-Person Shooter Remaster (C/C++, Proprietary Engine, Ogg Vorbis) - Performed research and documentation for viable audio formats and VOIP APIs (i.e. implemented and tested them in the original codebase) that were of potential use for the remastered game. Profiled and benchmarked the game on a low-end PC to gauge playability on min. spec. PC hardware.
- Video Game - "Forklift Simulator 2019" (C#, Unity 3D, PC) - Added a graphical motion sickness reduction effect and new gameplay features (e.g. new forklifts to drive).
- C/C++
- C#
- Unreal Engine 3/4
- Unity 3D Game Engine
- Augmented Reality Game Development
- 3D Computer Graphics
- DirectX/Direct3D11 API
- OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
- High Level Shading Language (GLSL)

Associate Software Engineering Intern, UI/UX
Workday, Inc.
June 2016 - Sept 2016
I interned at Workday where I designed and implemented a 3D data visualization in the main Workday web application.
- 3D data visualization maps company office data to their physical location on an interactive 3D globe.
- Experimental feature with plans by the UI/UX team to refine for production for enterprise Workday users.
- Interacted with senior developers and designers and participated in an Agile workflow to accomplish my work.
- Java
- Parallax 3D
- JavaScript
- WebGL
- Three.js
- OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

Instructional Programmer
UCLA Social Sciences Computing
June 2014 - March 2017
I implemented features requested by professors and fixed bugs for UCLA's Common Collaborative Learning Environment (CCLE).
- CCLE is a course management system web appplication used by all UCLA students and instructors to share course material, post in forums, take quizzes, and more.
- JavaScript
- Moodle Framework